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Lison Genini
Metz / France
Artiste Sculpteur
Lison Genini

 Lison was born in a small village in the Vosges region, within an environment steeped in art. Her father, an artist, musician, and performer, was surrounded by poets, musicians, and writers who formed a vibrant artistic microcosm. These eccentric figures left a significant mark on her childhood, shaping her daily life through exchanges and shared moments of creation.

This universe naturally guided her choices, leading her to participate in exhibitions and events from a very young age. After specializing in arts during high school, she is now pursuing her studies at the Ecole Supérieure d'Arts de Lorraine in Metz, following a first year at the Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Besançon. She is currently developing a thoughtful and sensitive artistic practice.

Démarche artistique

My work explores the invisible links between water, flow and the passage of time. Through experiments with fabric, paint and video, I seek to capture states of transformation, erosion and dissolution. Liquid runs through my work like a thread, revealing the traces, flows and imprints left by living things.The aquatic world, in particular plankton and bioluminescence, feeds my imagination. These fragile, shifting forms become recurring motifs, oscillating between organicity and abstraction. I also question the way in which humans condition their environment and the beings that inhabit it, particularly through installations and experiments that evoke confinement and adaptation.My approach is both scientific and poetic: I enjoy observing natural phenomena, studying their behaviour and transcribing it into material that reacts and evolves. Accident, chance and the capillarity of liquid play a central role in my process, offering unexpected forms where time is imprinted.

Through my projects, I seek to create sensitive, immersive spaces where the viewer is invited to navigate between contemplation and reflection. My work questions our relationship with living things, the place of man in his ecosystem and the fragility of the balances that surround us.

I'm currently developing an experimental film essay that examines the condition of fish in aquariums in relation to the state of flow. This project combines aquatic images, underwater recordings and introspective narration to question human conditioning and the ecological impact of our practices.


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Dates clés
Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts Besançon
Ecole Supérieur d'Art de Lorrain Metz

Le travail artistique de Lison Genini

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