Découvrez le travail contemporain de Sarah

Sarah is a multi-faceted artist, born in Nice, on the French Riviera.
Her art is of Spiritual inspiration.
She spends her childhood in Nice where she graduates from High-School and passes her A’levels in Philosophy, Languages and Arts. As an high-schooler she gets acquainted with artists from School of Nice « Ecole de Nice », -art movement- such as Arman, Cezanne, Klein and also with artists of School of New-York, such as Pollock, Rothko but also with European artists such as Munch, Kandinsky, Klimt, Le Caravage, Michelangelo and Van Eyck.
Early in her life, at 18, she decides to nourish her curiosity for the world and for arts. Thus, she travels and stays in the South of the United States of America, in Louisiana. There, she visits Lafayette, Baton Rouge, New-Orleans, Mississippi State and Alabama State and Florida. These trips and landscapes will be her first powerful and colorful inspirations.
Back to France, she studies British Painting at University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, UNS, and gets acquainted more precisely with William BLAKE and Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI and Romantic Movement. She then completes her college degree and passes her “Licence”, Bachelor degree in Literature, Languages, Arts and Civilisation at UNS(A) in English while she goes on nourishing her passion for arts and following a personal artistic path writing poetry, painting and most of all opening her mind to new music styles and DANCING
Her youth years, her diverse and rich experiences in the professional fields and her personal encounters during those years inspire her and sharpen her senses and her perceiving of the world.
Her quest for knowledge goes on in Austria, and in England where she lives and teaches for a while. She then, multiplies her trips and travels in places such as Israel or Portugal where the colorful landscapes and beautiful architectures and great history keep on nourishing her mind, thoughts and inspirations.
After teaching English as a second language in France, French for foreigners in France and abroad for several years, she decides to complete her education and passes her Master in English and Teaching with honors at U.N.S. She then decides to leave for the USA. There, she lives between NYC and New Jersey State where she teaches French at Montclair State University.
Her stay in NYC allows her to devote herself and be more focused on her first passion : dance. She takes Ballet and Jazz workshops at Alvin Ailey Dance School in Manhattan – her teachers are, respectively, the world famous Kat Wildish and Sue Samuels- and she then performs shows on stage there. She attends many Broadways shows, plays, musicals and gets involved in Live Art and participates in Collage Movement and Collage Movement Live Art events at The Dinner on Ludlow, The DL, NYC as an artist. There, she paints in front of a live audience and meets many greats NY artists – among which, friends……. great additional emotions and memories that inspire her for new upcoming creations.
Sarah also devotes her free time in helping others, and in supporting associations that come to the aid of children in needs, in danger or who are sick, working in actions, projects and participating in races.
Dancing and painting are her passions.
Sarah took dance workshops in great cities such as NYC or Paris and participated in several arts events.
She exhibited her art in Israel on the theme, The Woman and The Place, in 2022.
Her latest exhibition took place in Nice, France, from November 2024 to January 2025.
Her artworks are paintings from NYC to PARIS, and from NICE to TIBERIAS (ISRAEL).
She is currently living in Nice, French Riviera.
Expressing my soul, body and mind in a benevolent and spiritual way.
Le travail artistique de Sarah
Œuvres nouvellement ajoutées
New collection
Celebrating Life