Merging ivy
Alain Cabot
French painter and visual artist. Since 1983 I live and work in Paris.
My works have been presented or sold at national and international exhibitions, notably in Japan.
At 23, he moved to Paris where he studied the history and history of art
at the University of Tolbiac, Paris I, Sorbonne Panthéon France.
His works have been presented and sold in international exhibitions or to private individuals in Germany, Algeria, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, Argentina, USA.
MDA, SIRET 817683675 00018.
Née le 21/05/1958
Membre de ARTactif depuis le 11/09/2022
Totalise 176 « J’aime » pour son profil et ses oeuvres
Représenté par la galerie : ARTactif
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